Fiory GRITS are ideal for putting in the bottom of the cages of our little pets and eliminate the unpleasant odour of their body waste.

All our grits have been treated and contain no impurities or bacteria of any kind.

Their high mineral content is thanks to the addition of oyster shells, which are ground and passed through an autoclave to eliminate any sharp edges that could prove dangerous.

Grits are important not only to guarantee cage hygiene but also to aid digestion and provide birds with Calcium and mineral salts.

For this important reason, if the cage is cleaned with other products, in order to safeguard the health of your pets we recommend you to leave them a bowl of grits.

Our grits come in three different aromas: anise, mint and lemon and will be enjoyed not only by the animals but also by anyone living within the same surroundings.

CodPeso / VolumePezziEAN code
6800kg. 1 ANICE12801597500053 7
6805kg. 3 ANICE6801597500054 4
6810kg. 5 ANICE4801597500055 1
6815kg. 1 MENTA12801597500056 8
6820kg. 3 MENTA6801597500057 5
6825kg. 5 MENTA4801597500058 2
6830kg. 1 LIMONE12801597500059 9
6835kg. 3 LIMONE6801597500060 5
6840kg. 5 LIMONE4801597500061 2