Fiory FEED FOR RED CANARIES is an ideal feed that rounds off the diet of red canaries. The high honey content found in this product is particularly enjoyed by these birds, as it is useful (as everyone knows) in preventing respiratory problems.

This product is particularly light as it does not contain industrially produced ingredients that would give it a rough texture. We have also avoided using any kind of colouring, which only serves to deceive the eyes of someone buying a product. Instead of using chemical colourings, we have managed to give the product some colour thanks to the high concentration of BETA  APO 8’ CAROTENAL (60 mg for Kilogram).

As a result, anyone buying the product can be sure that the pigmentation of his or her birds’ plumage is maintained and increased.

Anyone wishing to increase further the colour of their birds’ plumage is advised to feed their birds products with a high melanin content.

Melanin is a substance also to be found in humans, giving colour to the hair of each individual. Melanin is mainly found in products such as cabbage, cauliflower and all plants belonging to the Crucifer family.

Another feature of our blend is the addition of vitamins and chelated minerals.


COMPOSITION: bakery products, fodder-coarses fodder and derivatives, honey (14%), oils and fats, oilseeds and oleaginous fruit products, products of terrestrial animals and derived products, flavoured coloured and conserved with EC additives, Inulin of Chicory mg/kg 324,37, MOS mg/kg 243,28, FOS mg/kg 162,18, Omega6 mg/kg 7,20, Beta Glucans mg/kg 32,43, Omega3 mg/kg 1,33, Yucca Schidigera mg/kg 32,43.

ADD PRO KG.: Vit. A microencapsulated UI 4770, Vit. D3 UI 47,70, Vit. E (alphatocoferol 91%) UI 6,36, Vit. B1 mg 0,78, Vit. B2 mg 0,15, Vit. B6 mg 0,62, Vit. B12 mg 0,004, D-Pantotenic Calcium mg 1,25, Vit. PP mg 3,18, Folic Acid mg 0,12, Betain mg 238,86, L-lysine mg 0,79, DLMetionine mg 0,15, Zinc Chelate of amino acids, hydrate mg 3,22, Manganese Chelate of amino acids, hydrate mg 1,67, Copper Chelate of amino acids, hydrate mg 0,71, Selenomethionine produced by Saccharomyces Cerevisiae NCYC R397 (Selenium yeast inactivated) mg 0,44. *Beta Apo 8’ Carotenal, in the amount of mg 60 for Kilo.

CodPeso / VolumePezziEAN code
0100gr. 10012801597500064 3
0105gr. 30014801597500067 4
0110Kg. 1,56801597500098 8
0115Kg. 44801597500149 7
0120Kg. 251801597500150 3