The Fiory blend for GOLDFINCHES has been prepared for your goldfinches, siskins, chaffinches, bullfinches, greenfinches and hybrids.

The thirteen different types of seed hold, for our little friends, the nutritive values that can usually be found in nature.

10% cardoon together with 4,1% perilla make the mixture the best product on the market even if it is more expensive.

It also contains poppy seed, carrot, chicory, aniseed, niger and gramineae that are not seeds but form the background.

The characteristics of return, desirability and the difficulty finding some of these seeds make this mixture unique and highly prized. Another feature of our blend is the addition of granules rich in Beta Glucanes, organic Selenium and chelated minerals.


COMPOSITION: Seeds of: canary grass, hemp, hulled oats, linseeds,  thistle, granulated products (bakery by-products, vegetable by-products, honey 10%, minerals, oils and fats, fruit flavor, colored with EC additives, yeasts from Saccharomyces Cerevisiae mg/kg 42882, Inulin mg/kg 8576, MOS mg/kg 6432, FOS mg/kg 4288, Omega6 mg/kg 2573 (GLA 190), Beta Glucans mg/kg 858, Omega3 mg/kg 34 (EPA 0,89), Yucca Schidigera mg/kg 858) 4,1%, carrots, perilla 4,1%, poppy, chicory, anise, niger, gramineae.

ADD PRO KG.: Vit. A microencapsulated UI 5274, Vit. D3 UI 52,74, Vit. E (alphatocoferol 91%) UI 7,03, Vit. B1 mg 0,86, Vit. B2 mg 0,17, Vit. B6 mg 0,68, Vit. B12 mg 0,004, Vit. PP mg 3,51, Calcium D-Pantothenate mg 1,38, Folic Acid mg 0,14, Betain mg 263, L-Lysine mg 0,88, DL-Metionine mg 0,17, Zinc Chelate of amino acids, hydrate mg 3,56, Manganese Chelate of amino acids, hydrate mg 1,84, Copper Chelate of amino acids, hydrate mg 0,79.

CodPeso / VolumePezziEAN code
6050gr. 35014801597500079 7