Fiory blend for EXOTIC birds, like the blend for canaries, is made of several kinds of seeds in order to provide as varied and balanced a diet as possible.

Among the nine types of seeds in the blend, also here Perilla stand out, this seed that, as we would like to repeat is particularly appreciated for its capacity to stimulate fertility and give a longer life to the birds.

Another feature of our blend is the addition of granules rich in Oligosaccharide Fruits and chelated minerals.


COMPOSITION: Seeds of: panicum, light yellow millet, white millet, red millet, canary grass, granulated products (bakery products, vegetable by-products, honey 10%, minerals, oils and fats, fruit flavor, colored and conserved with EC additives, yeasts from Saccharomyces Cerevisiae mg/kg 42882, Inulin mg/kg 8576, MOS mg/kg 6432, FOS mg/kg 4288, Omega6 mg/kg 2573 (GLA 190), Beta Glucans mg/kg 858, Omega3 mg/kg 34 (EPA 0,89), Yucca Schidigera mg/kg 858) 4,1%, linseeds, niger, perilla.

ADD PRO KG.: Vit. A microencapsulated UI 5274, Vit. D3 UI 52,74, Vit. E (alphatocoferol 91%) UI 7,03, Vit. B1 mg 0,86, Vit. B2 mg 0,17, Vit. B6 mg 0,68, Vit. B12 mg 0,004, Vit. PP mg 3,51, Calcium D-Pantothenate mg 1,38, Folic Acid mg 0,14, Betain mg 263, L-Lysine mg 0,88, DL-Metionine mg 0,17, Zinc Chelate of amino acids, hydrate mg 3,56, Manganese Chelate of amino acids, hydrate mg 1,84, Copper Chelate of amino acids, hydrate mg 0,79.

CodPeso / VolumePezziEAN code
6009gr. 40014801597500036 0
6010Kg. 18801597500010 0
6015Kg. 251801597500201 2