Fiory TROPICANA is an ideal feed for tropical fish.

It contains no less than ten different ingredients, ranging from cereals to vegetable protein, from fish to shellfish.

An in-depth study determined the specific weight the flakes need to be in order for them to remain in suspension for the time needed for the fish to consumer all of them.

Fiory Tropicana does not fish-tank water and has also been further enriched with a balanced integration of vitamins A, D3 and E.

COMPOSITION: fishes and fishes products, cereals, vegetables’ proteines extracts, yeast, crustacea, see-weeds, oil and fats, lecithin, colourings and antioxidants: EC additives.

ADD. PRO KG.: Vitamin A 25000 UI, Vitamin D3 1500 UI, Vitamin E (alphatocoferol) 100 mg.

CodPeso / VolumePezziEAN code
6684ml. 100 / gr. 2016801597500047 6
6685ml. 250 / gr. 509801597500048 3
6686ml. 1000 / gr. 2004801597500049 0