Corn cobs have been used, in recent years, as litter for rodents.

Its high absorbent power ensures a bed that is always dry.

Fiory MAISLITTER is scented with anise, lemon and wild berries so as to eliminate any unpleasant odor and keep the pet corner nice and fragrant.

CodPeso / VolumePezziEAN code
6730Lt. 5 NATURALE6801597500022 3
6732Lt. 8 NATURALE ECONOMY1801597500396 5
6735Lt. 40 NATURALE1801597500213 5
6736Lt. 5 ANICE6801597500069 8
6739Lt. 40 ANICE1801597500214 2
6750Lt. 5 LIMONE6801597500101 5
6755Lt. 40 LIMONE1801597500215 9
6760Lt. 5 FRUTTI di BOSCO6801597500125 1
6765Lt. 40 FRUTTI di BOSCO1801597500216 6