The GERBY Fiory blend is a special formulation of alfalfa in crunchy pellets, with a wide range of seeds and some little treats for pet gerbils.

Gerbils should always have some hay available, as they use it for digestion, to wear their teeth down and as litter.

Our blend also contains lots of vegetables like carrots and peas, plus controlled percentages, so as not to add too much fat, of peanuts and sunflower seeds. Since gerbils are omnivorous, we have not forgotten to include a small percentage of animal meal in crunchy bites, to complete a perfectly balanced blend.

Another feature of our blend is the addition of granules rich in Omega3, Inuline and chelated minerals.


COMPOSITION: Granulated lucerne meal, wheat, rye, oats, barley, buckwheat, maize, mangold, rings (cereals and cereals by products, extruded alfalfa, fodder and bran and derivative products, vegetables’ proteins extract, minerals and derivative products), yellow granulated products (bakery products, cereals and cereals by products, honey 10%, lard, Yucca Schidigera extract, coloured and conserved with EC additives), croquettes (products of terrestrial animals and derived products, fodder and bran and derivative products, cereals and cereal by products, lard, fish other aquatic animals and derived products, minerals and derivative products, taurine, preserved with EC additives.), peas, sunflower seeds, dehydrated carrots, shelled peanuts.

ADD PRO KG.: Vit. A microencapsulated UI 5274, Vit. D3 UI 52,74, Vit. E (alphatocoferol 91%) UI 7,03, Vit. B1 mg 0,86, Vit. B2 mg 0,17, Vit. B6 mg 0,68, Vit. B12 mg 0,004, Vit. PP mg 3,51, Calcium D-Pantothenate mg 1,38, Folic Acid mg 0,14, Betain mg 263, L-Lysine mg 0,88, DL-Metionine mg 0,17, Zinc Chelate of amino acids, hydrate mg 3,56, Manganese Chelate of amino acids, hydrate mg 1,84, Copper Chelate of amino acids, hydrate mg 0,79.

CodPeso / VolumePezziEAN code
6552gr. 8508801597500237 1
6553Kg. 251801597500238 8