BIG-BLOCK Fiory is the ideal mineral supplement for all caged birds. It is used by our little friends to sharpen their beaks, as reinforcement and as a mineral diet supplement.

It contains as many as thirteen different mineral of which the basic element is 36% of Calcium for a healthy bone structure and optimum egg composition, followed by Zinc, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Iron, Potassium and many others even including Selenium.

Selenium is a rare and precious anti-oxidant that combats free radicals reducing the causes of aging.

BIG-BLOCK comes in two types that, though they have the same composition, differ in the degree of hardness: “75 Units” and “45 Units” (SHORE C parameter) respectively to meet the needs of large and small caged birds.


COMPOSITION: minerals.

ANALYTIC TENORS: Calcium 36%, Phosphorus 0,084%, Magnesium 0,02%, Sodium 0,016%.

CodPeso / VolumePezziEAN code
6090gr. 5524801597500109 1
6095gr. 10024801597500110 7